Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sugar Free Easter Treats

I've been off sugar (except for one or two hershey kisses) this week. Its killer and I feel like I binge just trying to get rid of the craving! Is this worth it?? Why is it so DANG hard!!???? Anyway - here a few fun treats we tried this weekend.

Sugar free Lemon Almond Sugar Cookies
(-these were ok, I wish I blended it, instead of processed it, and I wished that I roasted my almonds to get a stronger flavor. They still turned out a little dry, but my kids LOVED Them! Surprisingly!! They were a fun little thing to decorate. - I'll be experimenting more with this recipe for sure!)

Click HERE for the recipe
(make sure to soak your almonds overnight and then let dry, or roast in oven)

I didn't make her frosting recipe, Here's what I did:
Lemon (Dairy Free) Cookie Frosting
3/4 C Raw Cashews (Soaked overnight or at least 3-5 hours)
2 Dates (soaked for an hour or so - optional, but helps)
1 tsp Vanilla
pinch Salt 
Juice from 1 lemon
little lemon zest
1/2 tsp Stevia powder
1/4 Water (add more if you want a thinner consistency)Taste it - you may want to add some Agave/Honey

Blend for quite a while, it thickens as it blends. Add in desired food coloring and enjoy! 
You do need to eat rather soon once frosted, (they didn't store well frosted).

Peanut Butter filled Chocolate Eggs
These were pretty tasty! I did the sugar free version, which wasn't bad! It would taste way better if you wanted to use the real stuff, or even honey would be fine
(might need to add in flour to thicken it).
I froze the peanut butter egg shapes for a couple hours, this made the chocolate harden right as I dipped it! It was so yummy! Just store in fridge or freezer, cause it will melt and get soft, 
and they were way tastier with a hard shell! :)

Click HERE for the recipe

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