Top 10 Healthy Attempts

1)Eat more Whole Grains. Try to Cut out all (or as much as you can) white flour. Replace it with Whole wheat variations. Instead of white pasta, eat whole wheat pasta, bread, and brown rice. For even more healthy alternatives try Quinoa, brown rice, and barley.
2) Eat 5 mini meals each day, not three big ones.
3) Dairy. I cut out dairy almost completely opting for almond milk. I believe skim isn't the best option, considering there are a lot of added chemicals to make up for the loss of fat. Try to stick to 1% organic if you can. I do use evaporated skim milk to thicken soups and sauces.
4) Try to cut back on sugar. Especially when baking. You can do this by substituting equal amounts with RAW Honey, dates, or fruit puree's. Or just cut the sugar by half and see if it really bothers you. Read labels! Stay away from 'high fructose corn syrup.'
5) Substitute fat in baking with pureed fruits. For chocolate recipes use Pureed prunes (no one can tell!). For others use applesauce, sweet potato, or pumpkin. These are the best ones I have found.
6) No SODA! If you really need it, drink sparkling water mixed with REAL fruit juice. ( I love RW knudson)
7) Eat Breakfast. Start you day off right with whole grains, I love steel cut oats or MUESLI, or a health boosting cleansing Green Smoothie!
8) Choose Good Fats. Read labels! If it says 'partially hydrogenated' leave it behind! Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil in place of canola or vegetable. For even healthier options cook with small amounts of coconut oil, and use flaxseed or macadamia nut oil in your salad dressings. Avocado and Flax Seeds are also the best fats you can get!
9) Decrease Meat and Eat up on those Fruits and Veggies. Try to AT-LEAST do one night a week without meat and more veggies. If you do choose to eat meat, eat it as a side not the main course!
10) Control those cravings. If anyone understands cravings its me! I try to have a healthy cookie or homemade snack ready for those times. Be prepared and plan ahead! Pin It


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